We are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service while.
We Generate your site will run quicker on our Cloud than normal hosting.
speed-oriented hosting packages; It is specially configured for you to reach powerful hosting options in a short time with the industry's best software, hardware and internet output speed features.
WordPress hosting WordPress Compatibility
Linux-based, 100% WordPress compatible SSD server configurations for more efficient and more secure WordPress sites!
Wordpress Lite speed cache WordPress LS Cache
Thanks to the free WordPress LS Cache plugin for Turhost customers, your website is 3 times faster!
Backup system Ticket Support
For support requests sent by e-mail, the expert team that provides a solution as soon as possible with 24/7 ticket support!
Backup system 3-Day Backup
You can access your important data, which is backed up in 3-day periods, whenever you want (optional).
Backup Weekly Backup
Your data is backed up regularly every week so that you do not experience any data loss.
The quality of our web hosting services; It results from the meticulous follow-up of digital transformations and the offering of the highest performance hardware at the best hosting prices.